Trialed | Teen Ink


November 22, 2014
By Bridgette98 SILVER, Victorville, California
Bridgette98 SILVER, Victorville, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Pray for the best, accept what comes

Unaware of your pretenses.. utterly unaware, for you coquettish ways wooed me with conspicuous gestures of fidelity to only be left as a sullen widow full of remorse. Your transgressions will not be vindicated for your indictments on my behalf have shamed me for life. I've been marked with  an A and placed upon trial. For I have been burned for I have been hanged. Left to rot, left in flames. A forlorn cry in the middle of the night. Incredulous lies as the witch is trialed. 

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