whats me without you? | Teen Ink

whats me without you?

October 29, 2014
By AthenaDarling BRONZE, Sedro Woolley, Washington
AthenaDarling BRONZE, Sedro Woolley, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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all things truly wicked start from innocence. - Earnest Hemingway<br /> are monsters real? of course, but sometimes they can be little specks of insanity in our brain.<br /> we are all monsters, darling, and we are all insane.

Roses are red,

violets are blue,

sugar is sweet, 

and perhaps so are you.

But the roses have wilted,

the violets are dead, 

now im left standing, 

with a heart made of lead.

The sun isnt shining,

the sky isnt clear,

theres no silver lining,

cause no one is here.

Rain keeps on pouring,

theres no end in sight,

youre on the ground frozen,

crying for the night.

Your headaches unreal,

your smile is gone,

but time cant be turned, 

by now it must be dawn.

The words that you wrote,

that only i see,

"i loved you so much",

so whyd you leave me?

A bond that we formed,

a love that ran deep,

the secret we shared,

that now i still keep.

I wanted you to hold me,

wipe the tears from my eyes, 

but i know that you wont,

our trust bbuilt on lies.

I try to forget, 

but most days i dont,

i want to let go,

but i know that i wont.

Tears on my face,

memoriest in my head,

the roses heve wilted,

the violets are dead.

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