May Death Never Stop You | Teen Ink

May Death Never Stop You

November 13, 2014
By Scarlet-W BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
Scarlet-W BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hope is the thing with feathers" Emily Dickinson

Part 1

I am familiar with the night

For it is where I walk,


Near blades of bright green grass

Brown and withered beneath my fingers

My gift,

My curse.

Okay to be this?




Fearing myself

Staying nowhere.

My gift,

My curse.


Never able to receive.


I cannot.



Truely dying?


My gift,

My curse

I am Death.


Part 2

A shadow approaches

I pause--




I don't want this

Causing things I can't help.


My gift,

My curse.

Coming closer-

I can't stop it.

Draining that shadow-

I have to feel it.

The shadow stops.



I pass.


I never wanted this

The figure collapses.

Keep moving;

I caused that.

My gift,

My curse--

I am a monster.


Part 3

I feel for those who know me not,

Thinking me so wise

An embrace.


    Not that way.

Cringing, not welcoming.

They think me old,

A man myself

Not a boy.

They think of me as friend


    A foe.

They think with me is another life


I take those lives-

Not welcome them.

I am not a friend

For once we meet, you're gone.

There is no second life with me

Once you live, you die.

I'm sorry.

No saving

No aiding--

I am it.

No one survives me-

You can only die.

There is no choice.

I am the taker of everything.


Part 4

I met one once-

An immortal, like me.

At first only joy to find another.

Then I learned her name,

And she mine


We could not befriend

For while I take

She gives,

Opposite ends.

She is what I cannot be

An angel,

With me a demon.

While I am forced to walk alone

She lives in love.

With family and friends.

I have no one.

An immortal with a normal life-

Not me.

That day I smiled.

Not again.

My hope hope is gone.

Now I wander,

Alone-and take

This is my punishment

Existing like this

Never allowed anything.

I go on;suffering

Not living;dying

But I cannot die

I am death.


Part 5

Sometimes it plagues me-

What I did--

To deserve this.

Or did it just have to be someone.

An outcast-

Walking alone.

Long ago I had hope

It has vanished.

I go on.

My existence is pain,

I cause only suffering.

I don't want to.

I wish someone else had to walk this path.

But they don't-

I do.

I'm sorry.

I take lives.


Haunts me.

I try to forget,

But it's always there.

I'm sorry

For taking.

I will one day take you,

Etching your name into memory.

When that day comes,


Never let me stop you.

The author's comments:

While writing this poem I decided immeadiately that I wanted to make the character death. I wanted to show death as a person. He is the person that has the burden of taking lives. He doesn't want to, he is forced to. This poem is supposed to show the guilt and hatred he feels towards himself because of his gift and curse. It goes through his personal thoughts and a meeting with his greatest enemy, life. The meaning the character in the poem is trying to get across that I hope the reader gets from is that you shouldn't let thoughts and fear of death stop you from enjoying life.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 17 2014 at 5:51 pm
BenitoJuarez98 SILVER, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
5 articles 8 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" (Paarthurnax, Fourth Era)

You can't help for feel bad for Death and his jealousy with Life. Although he hates his "job", it seems that he accepts his responsibility - no matter how much disdain he may have for it. 

on Nov. 17 2014 at 10:51 am
authoress17 SILVER, Evans City, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If there is no such thing as magic...then what is writing?."-authoress17 (me)

That peom really spoke to me. Yes, you should never let a fear of death stop you from living. I love that you made the character death. It changed the story around and showed some incite. In fact, death seems to be the victim. Amazing work!