Lost! | Teen Ink


October 17, 2014
By JunaTharakan BRONZE, Kottayam, Other
JunaTharakan BRONZE, Kottayam, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take chances at the deepest emotional levels!

Once it was felt
and my life got melt.

Gave me a blushy feeling,
that gave my heart a li'l healing.

Time was filled with action,
and my mind was full of affection,
thought it was just an infactuation.

Sapling of love grew in my heart
and I was like a li'l harth.

New rhythm of joyness rose.
His stunning eyes looked at me
but i was in a hurry to flee
cos it was time for me to part from him.

At the night sky,the stars shone
and on the earth,I left him all alone.

Our heart-throbs ceased
and loneliness raised.

We stopped playing the music
on our heart strings,
And my love was set on fire!

The author's comments:

Love and Love Only!

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