Dominos | Teen Ink


October 13, 2014
By Ebullient SILVER, New York, New York
Ebullient SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What matters to you defines your mattering."

There were few.
I only asked for one to fall,
So I could too.


They stood steadfast
When I implored the wind
To send a persuasive draft
Through the window.


One fell, my wish granted.
But as I watched its decadent descent,
I witnessed another.


That’s two.
Two had fallen.
I only desired one,


Although I coaxed desperately to them all,
Hoping one would give in
And satisfy my longing


The second sent a third stuttering forward,
Only to be brought parallel to the floor.


There were few.
I only asked one to fall,
So I could too.


But they all fell,
In a trickling movement,
One after the other,
Succumbing to my wicked luring.


And now I am left standing,
While they wait expectantly
For me to fall for one of them.

The author's comments:

This poem is about a time in my life when I just wanted to be loved by somebody. But gradually one person, and then another started feeling that way toward me, and I became overwhelmed. I wanted love, I got more than I could handle, and I hurt some people in the process of deciding who I really cared about.

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