The Memory Project | Teen Ink

The Memory Project

October 7, 2014
By MichaelaF SILVER, New City, New York
MichaelaF SILVER, New City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Memories are a precious thing


The record of our lives and the evidence of our existence,
When we lose them, we lose ourselves


We float in a dark, lonely abyss
Without the slightest clue of
What we've done, where we've been and what we've overcome


Our loved ones become strangers
The person you once knew is gone


An empty shell is all that remains,
Of your best friend, your role model, your rock


The person there for every first, every fail and every day in between

Disappeared forever, never coming back

The greatest personalities of the greatest generations
Fade away, as the past melts into the past


And the skeleton sitting in their skin
Is only a shadow of those memories


The moments you swear you’ll never forgot,
But always, eventually, will

The author's comments:

This piece is written about experincing my aunt's struggle with Alzheimer's and the cruelty of the disease, how literally everything about your loved one is stripped away, sooner or later. Dealing with this disease has been really hard on my family and this poem expresses the weight and finality that comes with losing a loved one to Alzheimer's. 

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