Ode to Life | Teen Ink

Ode to Life

October 6, 2014
By NicoleBoo SILVER, Murphy, North Carolina
NicoleBoo SILVER, Murphy, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If one day the SPEED kills me, do not cry because I was SMILING&quot;<br /> Paul Walker

It’s a maze with no end
A room with no exit
Every little moment and every second turns into
An hour,
A day.
A week,
Even years,
But still there’s no end
And there’s always a beating heart
Until it stops

Is a struggle, is very challenging and tough
You will pass by many obstacles in life
They may be tough and you might fall apart
Or you will succeed
Every obstacle that is thrown your way determines the kind of person you are
It’s not meant to scare you
Or hurt you
But to help create you

It goes on
And on and on until everything freezes
And there’s not a single beat left inside you
People will moan and grieve over you but
They have to realize that time flies by and that
Life has to move on with or without you in it

The author's comments:

Life is always going to move on even when we dont want it to.

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