We Are But Human Beings | Teen Ink

We Are But Human Beings

October 5, 2014
By emschmitts7 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
emschmitts7 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I may not believe in myself, but i believe in what I'm doing" - Jimmy Page

We are but human beings.
Our bones can smash like glass,
Our dreams vanish with the sun and the moon,
And in one hundred years,
Our names will be forgotten.

We are but human beings.
We are much more than atoms and bones,
The chemistry holding us together.
We are lyrics and melodies from our favorite songs,
Words off the pages of our dearest novels,
We are tears, and laughter, and drunken embraces.
We are rain and love and universal dust.

We are but human beings.
We have the power to create and destroy,
Love and hate,
Born and heal,
All at our fingertips.
We have the ability to alter ourselves and change our future.

We are but human beings.
We are not concrete like the stars,
Nor are we illusive as smoke.
We forget the waves around us, until we’re drowning in them.We are bound by time and breath, and the walls we build alone.

If we are “just human beings”,
Can’t we change something?

The author's comments:

4 am thoughts of a two year younger me

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