The Average Salmon | Teen Ink

The Average Salmon

September 29, 2014
By Robertopablonoel BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
Robertopablonoel BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The average salmon swims upstream,

this very salmon is convinced,
that it has outsmarted the rest of its team,
the average salmon thinks it’s unique,
but just like all the other salmons it reeks,
of plankton, critters, and seaweed,
the average salmon is gluten free,
it drives its Prius to work,
to save precious energy,
the average salmon has a carbon footprint,
of negative three,
for all this salmon wants to be,
is a hipster little fishy,
the hipster fishy thinks he’s so cool,
but all he is is just a fool,
swimming through its hipster creeks,
to avoid the mainstream,
the hipster fishy crashes into a dam,
the hipster fishy is no more,
for all he was was an attention wh**e

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