Surprise Satisfaction | Teen Ink

Surprise Satisfaction

September 5, 2014
By me_1230 BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
me_1230 BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hold the day lily,

break off a piece,

and stare at the yellow petal.

I try to stall by sniffing it,

but all I smell is the earth.

Reluctant, I run my finger down its silky surface.

It seems wrong to eat such beauty.

I nibble the corner.

Coolness tickles my tongue

and runs down my throat.

It doesn't taste half bad.

Soon the bright petal is gone.

I'm amazed that I feel so satisfied.

I look at the day lily,

still in my left hand,

now missing one yellow petal,

and break off another piece.

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