Him... | Teen Ink


July 22, 2014
By dancerjaden BRONZE, Kent, Washington
dancerjaden BRONZE, Kent, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His smile
His laugh
His eyes
His voice

He whispers into my ears
You are beautiful
You are gorgeous
You are perfect the way you are

My heart starts to melt
Tears begin to flow
Always happy tears
My lower lip starts to tremble

He never looks away
He continues…

You’re sexy
You’re hot
You’re my beautiful girlfriend
You’re my one and only love
You’re the love of my life

I’m speechless
I’m blushing
I’m able to get out a thank you
I’m ignoring everything that’s going on around me

Listening to his voice
Looking into his eyes
Hearing his laugh
Watching his smile get bigger with every word he says

The author's comments:
I wrote this about my boyfriend and I. Its one of the first poems Ive written.

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