The Road of Denial | Teen Ink

The Road of Denial

July 19, 2014
By localtheatregeek BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
localtheatregeek BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk along the road in denial. The hood of my black jacket covering my face as my dark hair covers my eyes. The sky is grey and lightning strikes right around me, but I stay where I am. Heaven starts crying as its tears fall in my depressed state. I can understand how it feels as I roll up my sleeve and took a long, hard moment to stare at the scar of my cut that went from wrist to elbow. I look out and see the river behind me and take off my jacket, keeping my unattractive self out of sight. Walking to the river slowly, feeling the rejected hail stab and tear me through my skin, I reach the edge. Without a second thought I jump in. Yet I know not how to survive such a heavy element. Falling, falling. The air escapes from my lungs. Something is pulling me down. The last thing I see is a white bright light. And then, darkness

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