Anxiety | Teen Ink


July 8, 2014
By Max_Meare BRONZE, Winnipeg, Other
Max_Meare BRONZE, Winnipeg, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silent. It was so quiet. I could hear my heart battering away inside my chest, panicking. Dark. It was so dark. Why was it always so dark. I could feel fear growing inside me, a rotten flower. The infection spread across my chest as it tightened and strangled my lungs. I couldn't breathe, I was drowning in the darkness, in the silence. It was filling my lungs, my eyes, my ears. It was pushing in on me, it was too much pressure. It was too much. I was gasping, I couldn't breathe. Was I dying? Was this the end? The flower, the toxic weed continued to blossom, spreading through my veins. It was tightening and burning and I couldn't feel anymore. I was numb, I was so empty. Sucked of feeling, sucked of everything. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe.

The author's comments:
Personal experience with anxiety + education that taught me words = this poem like thing.

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