The One | Teen Ink

The One

June 22, 2014
By Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are the change you wish to see in the world.

Goodbyes aren't always easy,
But I've gotten used to them
Because the brightest people
Always stand out in your memories
And a part of them will live on forever
And stay with you in your heart
Even if to them you become nothing but a name
But that's the good thing about memories
you remember someone the way you want to
The way they were when you loved them
And you see them the way they looked
When they first drove you crazy with their smile
It is only memories that will keep them near you
When in reality you are millions of unreachable miles away
Whether it be by fate choice or destiny
And it wasn't meant for you to stay
So I hope to keep you close in my memories
And keep alive the person that I only knew once
And not ruin things by trying to relive the past
Or look back trying to grasp what we lost
I will look instead and think about the way you look right now
Before the words so long ever left your mouth
That's the only you ill ever want to know
For people fade yet memories don't
So that's the way I'll picture you
With eyes that shine like stars
And I'll forever think of you
No matter how far away we are

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