Sea foam | Teen Ink

Sea foam

June 22, 2014
By Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are the change you wish to see in the world.

There was no light
There was no sound
I tried with all my might
Yet all I heard was my hearts pound
It was dark
Where am I?
Why must it be I who He has chosen to embark,
To the place above unseen by human eye
I am afraid
But the choice has been made,
No court, no trial,
To reconcile,
May you let me see once more,
I beg,
My wish he granted, sunlight tore,
I look once more and pray and think ahead,
I got to see the sky,
I got to say goodbye,
Yet the waves show a girl, a maiden’s hair,
No sound-I cannot call for help,
Captured by her eyes-I can’t breathe, no air,
The blonde locks stained with green kelp,
Her blue eyes show me my skies,
Skin so pale, so touched, so true,
Has all my life been a lie?
How unreal-a figure of blue,
And as I begin to fall,
To where I now know I have been called,
She starts to whisper, incoherent calls,
Sea foam, a mermaid’s hymn, as I fall
Sea foam, sea foam, she sings as I drown,
Where was I last night-eating at my town?
And then I awake, confused, unaware,
Was she real, I am home,
All that’s left is blonde hair,
And a cloud of Sea foam.

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