Dancing Eyes | Teen Ink

Dancing Eyes

June 22, 2014
By Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are the change you wish to see in the world.

The child in your eyes,
It runs and it plays,
I see it smile,
And pass through the
Puffy clouds,

The child in your eyes,
It sings and it dances,
It runs with the water,
It follows the moon,
And shines bright
Alongside the stars,

The child in your eyes,
It goes with the sun,
And passes through trees,
It passes through streams,
And wanders and dreams

The child in your eyes
Is free and alone,
It runs with no cares,
To no one at all,

This child I see,
Is alone with its dreams,
It’s surrounded by blue
And smiling trees,

There are no worries,
No problems,
No insecurities,

This child in your eyes
I see,
Why don’t you ever
Let her

The author's comments:
I see people every day, living a life they do not like. And I watch them, and look into their eyes, and see so much pain and a ghost of all they wanted to be. This child inside of them. I can see it dancing in their eyes. It’s trying so hard to come out, come out of the worries and stresses of teenagers and adults-the idea that we may not be good enough

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