My Hair is Long | Teen Ink

My Hair is Long

June 8, 2014
By shelbyschlaht SILVER, El Cajon, California
shelbyschlaht SILVER, El Cajon, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hair is as long and wavy as the tall grass in a field.

My skin is as porcelain as fine china.

My eyes are as dark and warm as sweet, rich cocoa.

My ears are like tiny bird wings, too small to fly.

My heart is as big and vast as an ocean.

My hands are as long and elegant as a swan.

My legs are as long and strong as the trunk of a tree.

My stomach is like a rumbling thunderstorm in the distance.

My voice is as inviting as a crystal clear lake.

When I laugh, my face lights up like candles in the darkness.

And my smile is as dazzling and white like freshly fallen snow.

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