Trying to figure out why | Teen Ink

Trying to figure out why

June 7, 2014
By JUDYTOY BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
JUDYTOY BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever felt lost?
The way they walk pass you without even acknowledging you.
The way they look at you in disgust making you feel like you don't have any reason to live.
When you sit and try to contemplate why they act the way they do, you become confused.
You think about why they would act this way towards and your head starts to hurt.
Your brain starts to throb intensely and your eyes start to water.
Your chest becomes tight as you try to calm down and breath deeply.
But with each breath you take,the grip you had on holding back your tears loosen up.
Now you're sitting on your bed, in your room, crying.
Crying out of anger and frustration trying to figure out why they treat you the way they do.
Trying to find a way to relieve this stress and become happy again, you throw your phone out of anger.
You get up and knock everything on your dresser to floor, not caring about who hears whether or not your favorite vase broke.
You start punching the wall until your hand becomes numb and red with blood in hopes that it'll make you feel better.
After knocking everything over and punching holes everywhere, you lay quietly on your bed looking up at the ceiling.
All you can feel are the hot tears rolling down your temple as you just lay there...
Still trying to figure out why.

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