It's been a good run | Teen Ink

It's been a good run

June 3, 2014
By Monologued BRONZE, Veyo, Utah, Utah
Monologued BRONZE, Veyo, Utah, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm sorry for running,
But it was getting stuffy.
So I ran outside,
And around the corner.
I was going to run back,
But I walked instead.
And I kept walking
I love the warm street.
The warmth on my feet.
I love the fresh air.
The benign wind so fair.
I love that it's summer again.
The long lost friend.
Heat from the sun
Is the warmth I crave.
I realize as I run,
It's something to save.
The snow and cold has melted
Outside of the home.
I feel no longer pelted.
The daisy’s have bloomed.
Lawns are neatly groomed.
But nothing you assumed.
So I'm going to keep walking,
I'll walk till it's winter again.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a piece that had something to do with the seasons. Seasons are a amazing thing, and there is so much we can reference with them. The loving warmth of Summer, or the cold tung of Winter. The list goes on with what it could mean.

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