The Horrible Hot Brown | Teen Ink

The Horrible Hot Brown

May 21, 2014
By Annissa Chesser BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
Annissa Chesser BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hot brown
Kentucky’s perception of “greatness,”
The greasy bacon dripping onto the tongues
Of deceiving “wonders.”
This horrid pork product punishing stomachs
In all of its “glory.”
Why did you do this to me?
Topping the scars of the sludgy nightmare,
Cheese is the culprit.
Those endless strings of dairy not so succulently
Slivers itself onto my helpless tongue.
Lets not forget about the Thanksgiving foe,
Sliding its narcotic proteins onto my now
Tasteless taste buds.
Then, there is the terrifying breading underneath
This equation of pride
Balancing itself like a casserole.

I hate hot brown!
My reluctant mouth squeamishly swallows every
Bite of this hopeless trash!
But with careful hands, my grandmother prepared these
Sickening endeavors.
But, her happy heart kindly reassured
That I had to keep stuffing my stomach
With this anthrax.
Taking one for the team with her tender soul,
I must keep going!
But, once I think back to this event
I remind myself of how
I would rather gouge my eyes out than eat this
Horrific Kentuckian product ever again!

The author's comments:
I was at my Grandmother's house the weekend before writing this piece, and she made me try the absolute worst food ever. That Monday when I went to school I was told to write about the last food I have tried...

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