Humanity's Destruction | Teen Ink

Humanity's Destruction

May 18, 2014
By Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest smile the brightest, and the most damaged are the wisest all because they do not wish to see others suffer as they do."

Why am I so kind,
not cruel,
like all the other,
humans rule?

Why do I,
want to help,
when humanity,
is all about itself?

Why do I,
offer advice,
to those who need,
a simple guide?

Why can't I,
be like others,
why can't I,
just watch the suffer?

Why is,
my heart this big,
why must I,
feel I can't win?

has gone insane,
with hypocrites,
and maniacs to blame.

Why can't we,
own our mistakes,
why won't we,
take the blame?

Why do heroes,
exist in legend?
We have the potential,
to rise to heaven.

Why is mankind,
evil to me,
when so much I do,
is to help thee?

I don't understand,
how people are careless,
how we feel no shame,
how we're idiots.

I only see,
a little generosity,
we desperately need,
a little chivalry.

Why aren't we kind,
why do we abandon,
homeless at our door?

Why do people,
lie and cheat,
why do they,
live in greed?

Why do those,
without hope die,
the innocent,
commit suicide.

Why oh why,
is humanity dead,
we could've prevented it,
by being nice instead.

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