Nature | Teen Ink


May 16, 2014
By Andrea.Michellee GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Andrea.Michellee GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I inhale slowly.
The cool air of the wind fills my lungs.
I exhale equally as slowly.
The air departs as fast as it came.

My legs extend with each step.
The crunch of twigs sound beneath my feet.
I whisk through the forest,
like a lion catching it’s prey.

Old decayed trees are on the sides of me.
Leaves, that abandoned their trees, surround.
As I run I watch the leaves spiral to the soil.
Shades of browns, orange, and green outline the trail.

Frosty rain pours down.
The smell of nature fills the air.
Dirt turns to mud.
Leaves become slippery beneath my feet.

I inhale slowly.
My eyes close, and rain drizzles down my face.
I exhale equally as slowly.
The smell of nature completes me.

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