Her Life | Teen Ink

Her Life

May 15, 2014
By Alison Lucki SILVER, Aurora, Colorado
Alison Lucki SILVER, Aurora, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Underneath your big beautiful smile
I see all the pain you have gone
through I have seen your father rape
and beat you and all of your scars.
Your father beats you day and night.
He yells at you for no reason.
Then there was that one day you never
told anyone about.
Your father went too far.
After he was done beating you,
you ran to your room and
started cutting horizontal as deep
as your shaking hand would let you.
You decided to cut vertical as deep as
humanly possible and you hit a vein.
You screamed I’m free, I’m free.
Your father came in and beat you.
When he was done he let you lay there and die.
You are free now and never have to hold back.

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