Endless night | Teen Ink

Endless night

May 12, 2014
By sethc4 BRONZE, Shelton, Washington
sethc4 BRONZE, Shelton, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a shadow of the night
My heart is cold
My soul is black
I feel nothing
I am empty
I wander in this endless night
Seemingly aimless but a goal I seek
What that goal is I cannot say
Only that when I find it
It shall be my only light in this sea of darkness
I blindly wander
I stumble and fall
Will I ever find what I seek
I struggle to my feet once again
Only time will tell I walk on

The author's comments:
When i wrote this i was haveing issues dealing with deppression so it was sort of a way to express my feelings.

Seth C.

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