company | Teen Ink


May 14, 2014
By Chandal BRONZE, Queens, New York
Chandal BRONZE, Queens, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remind Yourself that is okay not to be perfect"

Trying to deal with

These empty streets

Day and night

Walking up and down

My thoughts are the only company

I've come to known
Sometimes I find myself wanting

Someone, anyone
To grab my hand, hold me close

And never let me go

Listen to every word
As if it was a new song playing

On the radio

Understand me like common sense

Look at me in amazement
As if I was fireworks going off

On the 4th of July
If only then I will come to know


To know happiness

But still here I stand

Holding my own hand
Dealing with these empty streets

Up and down

Hoping you will find me

So I won't be so alone


But stuck with your


The author's comments:
This piece is not about finding love or your soulmate even though that's the first thing a person would think, In fact this poem is about coming to know yourself finding the real you

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