Life is a Road | Teen Ink

Life is a Road

May 14, 2014
By Alex Voloshin SILVER, Pasco, Washington
Alex Voloshin SILVER, Pasco, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is a long bumpy hard road.
Unexpected u turns and accidents on the way.
Sometimes I don’t know where to go.
Distractions like a beeping phone or a warning sign,
Can get me into a tragic car crash or give me a big fine.

I Keep my eyes on the road and my foot on the peddle.
I have a map to guide me,
A map will guide me to my destination.
But I can’t be too sure.
Roads change over time.

I will reach a dead end.
And when I do
I will be dead.
Life is a long bumpy road.

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