You're Beautiful | Teen Ink

You're Beautiful

May 11, 2014
By Brianna Y BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Brianna Y BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Society is always telling people,
that they are not good enough
or that if you don’t look a certain way,
then you are not beautiful.
That’s the main problem with the world.

No one else should be able
to define your beauty and make standards for it.
People don’t understand
How much they affect the youth
by setting standards and saying there not beautiful.

For some girls, their goals
are to meet society’s standards
and have the best body
and perfect skin
and we can’t, we cannot be perfect.

But honestly,
the size of your thighs
doesn’t define you
nor the number on the scale

So at the end of the day
inner beauty is what counts.
But if you can’t see your outer beauty
look a little harder
stare a little longer

…Because EVERYONE is beautiful.

The author's comments:
I always see in magazines or on TV as what society sees as beautiful and I also see so many people that hate what they see in the mirror because there not what society says is beautiful. So I wrote this piece to say that everyone is beautiful and society can never define your beauty. You are beautiful the way you are.

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