To My Sons and Daughters | Teen Ink

To My Sons and Daughters

May 2, 2014
By truthful_girl BRONZE, Lufkin, Texas
truthful_girl BRONZE, Lufkin, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not go gentle into that good night" -Dylan Thomas

You are a work of art
and maybe just in my eyes alone
but I see you beautifully
more than you'll ever know.
I love you more than words can speak
even if I've never see
a reason for how proud you make me.
I want you to know that yes, it's tough.
But I'll always be here to show you love.
Life is hard and it gets sad.
I know because I struggle with that.
Depression is okay, I just wanted you to know.
That everyone's life will have that to show.
People are tough to deal with,
they don't understand it.
Your feelings, your life, your everything.
They'll hate you for something.
So be yourself darling.
I don't care what they're saying.
I'm your mom and so I care.
I'll be by your side when life isn't fair.
I know little baby that you care what they think,
but don't let them make you weak.
Don't let them judge you for who you are.
Just be yourself and make them watch you soar.

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