I Wait... | Teen Ink

I Wait...

April 29, 2014
By vividclarity BRONZE, Pike Creek, Delaware
vividclarity BRONZE, Pike Creek, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The shores of our lives only give so little
when the vast ocean of our minds reveal so much
the road consists of many paths
many detours
many obstructions
but not until that last path
that last detour
that last obstruction is taken,
will you then know the right path to take
then, and only then will you be truly happy
finally fulfilled in life
and at peace with yourself
because for once in our lives
everything is behind us, and the only path for now is up
but until then, I wait...

The author's comments:
Just something I came up with at a stressful time. Gives a glimpse of how I see problems, just let them run their course and over time things will balance out.

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