Ready, Set, Fall | Teen Ink

Ready, Set, Fall

April 25, 2014
By Ali1997 BRONZE, Daleville, Virginia
Ali1997 BRONZE, Daleville, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw a leaf fall when I died.
Out the window of my hospital room, I watched it peacefully drift and dance in autumn breeze as it slowly made its way to the ground.
Down, down, down, that little leaf fell.
The now old and wrinkled leaf, no longer healthy and full of life, was falling steadily to its eternal resting place.
Merely the cycle of life at play, going out with the old, making room for the new.
In my last seconds, I saw myself in the leaf, slowly drifting, falling, fading from the tree of life.
My time was now at its end and there was now nothing left for me to do but fall.

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