Having Faith | Teen Ink

Having Faith

April 20, 2014
By Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I accept sunshine and warmth ....
then I should also accept thunder and lightning...!!! "

Beginnings and endings are not what really mean
it is actually everything that is in between
we can be happy today and sad tomorrow
because life never promise us laughter without sorrow
There comes struggle to survive in each day
but god shows light in every way
if god brings us to it, he will bring us through it
We should not afraid to trust an
unknown future to a known god
and result of this faith is to see
what is actually not
None of us know what might happen even the next minute
but we move forward as we walk in by faith,
not by vision
There comes dark moments
when our faith in humanity is tested
sometimes it pays, just to have a little faith
but this pain can be a blessing
reflecting a self lesson
We should be part of being optimistic
our feet should moving forward
head should pointed toward the sun
because our fate cannot be taken from us
no wonder how much we run
We should come to accept the feeling
of not knowing where we are going
As we fly, we still not know where we stop
but we know that as long as we spread our wings
wind will carry us somewhere
somewhere to the end ...!!!

The author's comments:
"Faith is not that God will do what we want ...
It is a belief that the god will do what is right...!!!"

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