Picturesque Passion | Teen Ink

Picturesque Passion

April 22, 2014
By flowerone SILVER, Hammond, Indiana
flowerone SILVER, Hammond, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." -Maya Angelou

His skin was like warm milk shined by the sun
His lips mounted like one
Gazing at him is something I would do all day
If I had the chance to speak what I have to say
If I had the chance to speak to him
I would give him a rose
And take off the stem
Love to me is what I see in his eyes
Love to me is what I think about this guy
Is interested in me as I am in him?
As vulnerable as the rose’s stem?
Am I seeing someone so exquisite?
If I am I could believe it
If we can just be together!
That wills all that matters
Am I fantasizing? Someone pinch me
Glad to know that I wasn’t dreaming.

The author's comments:
For someone who was first my crush, then friend, and hopefully lover.

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