when you fear the words not spken | Teen Ink

when you fear the words not spken

April 16, 2014
By AthenaDarling BRONZE, Sedro Woolley, Washington
AthenaDarling BRONZE, Sedro Woolley, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
all things truly wicked start from innocence. - Earnest Hemingway<br /> are monsters real? of course, but sometimes they can be little specks of insanity in our brain.<br /> we are all monsters, darling, and we are all insane.

When you fear the words not spoken you don’t get out very much,
You have the words in your head to make friends but you’re too scared to say them,
You settle for characters in stories and movies,
You can go to Hogwarts or camp half blood,
You’re in the hunger games or just falling in love.
When you fear the words not spoken you like to stay home,
Cooking or watching television
It’s warm, familiar, and safe,
You have no need to talk to people you don’t know.
When you fear the words not spoken you are very insecure,
There is always something wrong with you,
Every glance at you is a glare,
Every laugh you hear is directed at you.
When you fear the words not spoken you may know exactly what I’m talking about,
I know because I’m just like you,
We just have S.A.D.,
It’s quite common really just a little scary,
Social anxiety doesn't make you crazy,
It makes you fear the words not spoken.

The author's comments:
i have lived with Social Anxiety disorder, its not easy, but i wouldn't change anything about me. i just wrote this for others out there who feel like they are different because they are afraid of social interactions, its okay to be afraid.

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