I Try | Teen Ink

I Try

April 9, 2014
By LaineyJoe00 SILVER, Moundsville, West Virginia
LaineyJoe00 SILVER, Moundsville, West Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We came together underneath the stars above. What started out as liking, soon became love. I sense a certain something that, in my heart, felt so true that I knew I waited all my life to fall in love with you.

I want to stand on my own two feet and be steady. Do they not knnow what I go through already? Do they not see how hard I try? Maybe it's because they never see me cry. I want to be happy, no, not sad. I don't like people telling me that I am bad! I always feel like people hate me. I just can't believe that people can't see. People can't see my good side. All they see is my trying to hide. But, you know I don't really care anymore! But, something that I do know is that I am sore!

The author's comments:
This poem is supposed to be about how I feel about my life. I made it up right off the top of my head so, I hope you enjoy!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 24 2014 at 2:55 pm
LaineyJoe00 SILVER, Moundsville, West Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We came together underneath the stars above. What started out as liking, soon became love. I sense a certain something that, in my heart, felt so true that I knew I waited all my life to fall in love with you.

This poem of mine is from my heart and is so many feelings to it!