Dark Dreams | Teen Ink

Dark Dreams

April 3, 2014
By MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust no one but yourself, because when everyone else is gone, you are all you'll have left.

Dark Dreams,
Cloud her mind.
Pulling at the seams,
In order to find
The answers to the prayers,
That she prays every night.
They're hidden beneath layers
Of memories lacking light.

She unconsciously thinks
About life's struggles,
But she can't quite link,
All the pieces of the puzzle.

Dark dreams
Fill the night.
Flowing like a stream,
Still inspite
Of her battles to wake.
She tosses and turns;
These thoughst she can't shake.
When will she learn?

She has to stop the fight,
Then she will win.
The answers are in sight.
She just has to let them in.

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