I wish | Teen Ink

I wish

March 29, 2014
By Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I accept sunshine and warmth ....
then I should also accept thunder and lightning...!!! "

I wish, I would never collide
the first time I saw you
I wish my this ego
I would never show you
I wish I could refuse for my heart
the first time you borrow
now I wish if you gave me sympathy
when I am in sorrow
I wish I could never fall in love
first when I saw you
now I wish if I would never fight
and so you
I wish if I would leave you before
harder I try
now I wish you could understand me
more than I
I wish I would never want you to come back
the first time you leave
now I wish if you are there
when I am in need
I wish my all dreams would
come true
now I have realize my all dreams
are you
I wish I get a chance to say SORRY
first when I hurt you
now I wish I get a chance to say GOODBYE
last when I leave you

The author's comments:
"Somethings are better left unsaid ...!!!"

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