Dream-Musings of a Summer Night | Teen Ink

Dream-Musings of a Summer Night

April 1, 2014
By Abbey Bigler SILVER, Kirkwood, Pennsylvania
Abbey Bigler SILVER, Kirkwood, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Catch the starlight in a ladle
The moonlight in a basin
Tell me where dreams come from
And to where do they hasten

Catch the warm night breeze in a jar
Make it into a perfume
Melt the onyx sky into a paint
And weave pearl fabric from the moon

Learn to see with owl’s eyes
And hear like the bat in night
Tell me where the cat does wander
And why the fireflies are full of light

Connect the dots of constellations
Whisper the sky’s long history
While I lie on the cool, sweet earth
Tell me the night’s mysteries.

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