Reminisce | Teen Ink


April 1, 2014
By sandra Pastora BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
sandra Pastora BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High school
It’s the best four years of your life they say
It’s the biggest learning experience
Its growing up
Finding your true friends
And finding yourself

It’s a daily routine
Waking up at 6 am sharp
Sitting through tedium and lecture
Taking notes and paying attention
Studying for a test
My mind always seems to go blank
Expanding my knowledge for college
Just the thought gives me chills

Overwhelmed, Abrasive, and Frustrated
replete stress
good times and bad times
Relationships, backstabbers, and idiots
Dealing with all the drama
Its taught me a lot
Not to get caught up
Not to give up
When the going gets tough
Striving to make mama proud,
i know its been hard for her

Impactful four years
both tough and fun
I’ve experienced disenchantment
I’ve experienced joy
People i started with didn’t make it to the end
I’ve learned not everybody’s real
Even the ones who smile at my face
But I realized I only need a few who keep it real
Got to focus on doing what’s best for me
having tenacious faith alleviates pressure

Passing a class
Or having to re-take it next year
Getting a good grade on a test
Or completely bombing it
Entirely up to me

Soo many choices
abstaining from going out
Study or watch TV?
Ap or cp ?
What college ?
What to be ?
It’ll shape me into who i am
Points of views
affect much of my action

Feels like the longest four years of my life
Pero el tiemp vuela
it obliviously passes me by
Before i know it ill be deciding what college
Getting ready for the real world
Making sure i have all the credits to graduate
In hope to experience Accolade when walking across the stage
Preparing for the future
Saying goodbye to friends
Going separate ways & finding our way
Soon enough all they’ll be left is memories

It finally hit me, im growing up!
I’ve lived and experienced so much
Made memories
Grown close with friends and
learned life lessons
Pushed through all the struggles so far
Senior year approaches soon
One year left

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