Green eyed freakled boy | Teen Ink

Green eyed freakled boy

March 28, 2014
By suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life in not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away

They are a green,
not a dark green,
no its a light green,
green that has life,
that shows happeness,
that shows love,
his eyes

its sparkles,
its white,
you all ways hate it,
but it shows you are happy,
it shows joy,
it shows laughter,
its beautiful,
his smile

its a light brown,
it may have some dark spots,
its extreally soft,
it always has to be perfect,
it swushes across your face,
his hair

its perfect for hugs,
its perfect for pigyback rides,
its good for having fun,
its good for me,
his highth

its a faily brown,
some are way darker,
but its only on his back,
right at his sholders,
thet are little pokadots,
his freckles

and tho he may hates these tings
and think they are ugly
or unatractive,
he may think it looks bad
or that it is a little odd

but to me its everything,
his smile makes me smile,
his eyes make me long to see them again
his hair is fun to play with,
his highth is perfect with mine,
his frekles are random like us,

and yet there is so much more,
like how caring he is of others,
like how my hand fits perfictly in his
how he puts others frist
like his whity sence of humur,
like how he can finish my sentences,

he may not see how perfect he is,
but that is why I must show him
tell him
becouse he desireves to hear it,
becuse he does so muh for me,
so now I must repay him,

but will he ever know,
ever know how I care,
ever know what Ithink is cute about him
ever know how I feel,
ever know how I miss him,
ever know that I need him in my life,
will he ever know I love him?

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