Pain. | Teen Ink


March 21, 2014
By Anonymous

There is nothing worse than seeing someone you love in pain,
Struggling to fight every second of every day.
When you first hear of the terrible news, it doesn't bother you,
but later that night, when you're all alone, it hits you
you just want to break down and let all of your emotions out,
but you can't.
You have to show him that you are strong so he can keep good faith,
you wish that you could just sit by his side while he has to go through the horrible treatments.
Everyday you wish and pray that his problems will go away in the blink of an eye,
but the pain marches on.
All you can do is comfort him and watch.
Man, cancer sucks.

The author's comments:
Best Friend since the Third Grade was recently told he had stage three cancer.

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