Change | Teen Ink


March 14, 2014
By ermekdanielson BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
ermekdanielson BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Change can inspire millions,
It can move nations
Change can be limitless,
Its strength lies in the hearts of the people
A crowd gathering underneath a steeple

Change has the ability to create wonders,
But it can also destroy the beauty that is already there
Change can start from a small flame,
And then grow to that of a roaring fire
Martin Luther King Jr. with equality as his desire

Change must be from the heart,
Without heart it is only an idea
Change must be with passion,
Without that passion it cannot go on
A timid boy that steps on stage and finally sings his song

Change can start with the smallest child,
It can also start from the strongest adult
Change has the ability to grow no matter the origin,
As long as there is passion and heart supporting it
Nelson Mandela in jail and the realization that hit

Change can lead a village or the world,
With it there can be knew paths that form
Change can be as simple as turning your cheek the other way,
Or it can be as complex as unifying the world
Gandhi who stood for peace as rage and hate were hurled

Change can bring in new knowledge,
Or it can cloud what is already there
The small flame of change can burn down a house,
But it can also allow for new growth in our lives
A man who took the hard path and now thrives

Change can be put out and stopped in its tracks,
Or it can survive through any element
Change must have heart and passion to survive,
With it, it can start to grow and spread
Lincoln and the emancipation that he lead

Change must have strong support,
Like a thick wooden beam that holds up a house
Change that has little to support it,
Will die out and become non-existent
Change must be persistent

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to hopefully inspire others to make change happen. I believe that with change, new and great things will happen and be accomplished.

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