Words | Teen Ink


March 12, 2014
By dillon westbrock BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
dillon westbrock BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are not just kisses for your thoughts.
They won't ever be as far from what I say to what we feel.
They cannot describe the smell I feel when gazing into our memories,
But I refuse to believe that they are all that we have.

Or all we will need.

Because from the first to the last syllable of every word
is a gap of letters that just won't ever do it.
We think those words led us here.
We are wrong.

Just like the feelings that those letters tried to cover,
what led us there was hidden between those gaps and lost.

But not gone...

In between our lips at first was time.
Memories and beats.
Not just from the music we shared or the songs we sang
but from the hearts we wanted to feel and love.

Our Feelings didn't start with a sentence and end with a response:
no. They started before the words and ended in our hearts.

We know them as memories because of what they have brought.
But unlike words memories do not fade as the words enter our thoughts.

What we have is forever.
It won’t get twisted, won't get caught up, won't be too short, or to confusing...
We say it's the words that we used to say that we lost,
but it's how we were lost,
and we found who we are that's changed...

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