My friend - my real treasure | Teen Ink

My friend - my real treasure

March 12, 2014
By Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I accept sunshine and warmth ....
then I should also accept thunder and lightning...!!! "

A special smile, A special face
A special someone, I can never replace
U have filled the space no one can fill
I have always loved you and I always will
You know me very well,
you understand what I say
you even see me at my worse,
but still love me in every way
You made me believe that God sends friend
for a purpose in our life
He sent you to dry my tears
and to keep my happiness alive
Even when I was abandoned by my own people
there was only you
I found you at my beside
and till the end you stand true
You are that one friend, who can easily identify
some little lies in my smile
and some more truth in the tears of my eyes
You have always done so much for me
more than I could guess
In return, whatever I‘ll do
would remain still ever less
Sometimes I open my palm
and search it all through
I look my which line made me so lucky
that I have blessed with a friend like you
My heart loves you so deeply
that it never love any other friend
reaches my hand, you touched my heart
now you’ll stay in it till the end
This poem is my way of saying thanks
to catch me when I fall
it’s not that I don’t have other friends
but you are the one for all
You are my best friend
and I am yours too
If two friends ever meant to be forever
that’s me and you...!!!

The author's comments:
"World's happiest friends never have same character... they just have understanding of their differences"

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