The fridge | Teen Ink

The fridge

March 4, 2014
By Winona10 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Winona10 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Woven memories and little bits and pieces of life, not a bare patch in sight.
hard to believe it was at one point plain and white.
You might think this is just the average fridge but thats not right.
Theres Tommy playing catch with his dad.
Theres baby Lily’s first mess of a sketch. No one knows what it is but that doesn't make it any less. Mom and Dad as they confess their love on there wedding day.
Birthday cards from grandma and grandpa, the crinkled five dollars long gone and spent.
A bold rent notice threatening their home, but that doesn't worry them.
They can pack up.
Go some where new.
See its happened before, why not two?
A fridge is just a fridge and that parts true, but once your memories are pinned down with tape it starts to take on its shape, a window of your life.
Anyone who peeks in will see your story plain and clear.
I wonder who was here before.
What did their story look like on these fridge doors?

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