Mistunderstood | Teen Ink


February 18, 2014
By VirgaGirl BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
VirgaGirl BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Sitting in the middle of the arbor
No one knows why but them
I'm in a heap of trouble
But my fear is drifting away

I see the note in my hand
I life the flap with all my mettle
But only to see a grape vine
Covered in blood

I hear the voices and see the faces
I'm running towards the azimuth
I'm out of breath and there it is
Upon the mast, I see it

I see my shame and what I've done
The heartache and pain I've caused
What is wrong with me?
Why have I been so cruel?

I think back to the place
To the dark, scary alley
They didn't deserve it
I hate being evil, I froze, misunderstood

The author's comments:
This is about a girl who was always the innocent one. Everyone expected to much of her. The pressure they put her under was to much. Everyone didn't think she was capable of something like this...murder.

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