The Difference | Teen Ink

The Difference

January 28, 2014
By Anonymous

My dark skin

is made of


Not coal.
So I am no different from you,

my Master.

My blood

is not purple.

It is red.
If you would like proof,

ask your whip.
It has seen my bright red blood,
the color of poison berries

course from my deep gashes

with its own eyes.

So I am no different.

My intelligence

is just as good as yours.
It was just never discovered,

my Sir.

Though I never learned

to read and write,

I learned

the ways to survive

sweltering days without

sweet water.

I learned,

to watch my loved ones die

before my eyes
from the tranquil strike of

disease, and guns.

I am no different.

My soul,

is withered away,

like the unpicked fruits,

you beat me

for leaving on the bushes.
So we are no different, my Master.

The author's comments:
I happened to be thinking about racism, and why such a thing had ever, and still does, exist.
Some people are still racially discriminated, but not as terribly as when slavery was legal.
I began thinking through the viewpoint of a slave from the 1700's time period, and wrote my thoughts in poetry form.

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