Seven Sins | Teen Ink

Seven Sins

January 18, 2014
By JossyRose DIAMOND, Tampa, Florida
JossyRose DIAMOND, Tampa, Florida
76 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Go ahead, judge me. Just remember to be perfect the rest of your life.

The monster growls and bites
Bristling brown fur against glowing yellow snake-like eyes
that burn as bright and hot as the Sun
Sharp teeth slathered in drool and dried blood from its last meal
It watches hungrily
Always hungry
So hungry
A gluttonous beast that stands tall and strong
Driven by pure hunger
This beast guards its food with its life
Refusing to give a morsel to the starving soul
Next to it stands the dark yellow beast
Its fur is far from gold
More of a mustard color
Dirty and ratty
A long snout with dull but strong yellowing decaying teeth
Stares at you with dulling brown eyes
It guards its gold With greedy need
As if the jewels and wealth are its only life force
The essence of its being
And who knows? Maybe they are
Farther away is a magnificent beast
Long lashes and dark blazing eyes
Stunning and beautiful with grace and style
A slick black beast with small teeth but a strong bite
once it has a hold of you it refuses to let go
It prays on those foolish enough to mistake it for love
For love and lust are not related in the least
A lustful smile and bat of the eyes
Makes you want to stay with it
Attracted to the beauty
But once you allow it in it shall never leave you even when you wish it away
Messy red fur darts from left to right around you
The beast wearing it snarls at the slightest provocation
Sharp, menacing teeth that often find victims to chew on
This beast has a short temper and strikes when angered
Two pools of crimson eyes dotted with fading black pupils
Blood runs down its chin pouring from the mouth and sharp black claws that tear into anything in its path like morbid waterfalls of past injuries and decease
All it wants is destruction
A monster that cares only for its own happiness and wishes everyone else to suffer
It roams around waiting for the next person to tease it or hurt it
A sick pleasure from misery
The next beast lounges around
It's dull blue fur barely groomed for it requires too much effort to keep the fur nice Dull and bored violet eyes glance left and right Pupils wide Half Asleep
Fat and slow
An easy target
A sloth like creature that rarely moves
And eventually falls victim to another
After all life is too much work anyway
The last beast is the most common
Shining emerald fur gleaming in the sun dark jealous eyes judging everything which passes
It hisses and roars at those it deams better Not able to handle the thought that it may be inferior
It grips those who easily envy others
And keeps them in its grip
It sulks and lashes out
These beasts roam around the earth
Invisible to the human eye
But once it consumes you
You know it's there
For these are the beasts within our hearts that must never be released
That must be controlled

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