Gone... | Teen Ink


January 10, 2014
By TantiaFox SILVER, Halifax, Other
TantiaFox SILVER, Halifax, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Poetry sucks only to the ones that don't understand it."

The part where I
said yes was
the best decision
I ever made.

But, without knowing
you got your mind
stuck in a screen
filled with pixels

and forget about
the girl you
said "I love you"

The pieces that you
pick off the floor
are my love notes
from my heart.

It used to beat
hard enough so that
you could hear it.
You stopped listening.

You tried to tape
the pieces back
together to make things
right again.

I've tried
to make you feel special.
You just gave right
in the middle of your sentence.

You walk back to
your pity party
and I stand
alone... quiet.

Knowing if I say a
word, you'd defend
your insides to make me
feel bad.

You become king,
and I fall down a black
hole while you

The hole reaches it's
end and I land hard
on a endless time
and heartbreak.

If I was to replay
to the first month
of you and me,
of us being happy,

I'd hear beautiful,
pretty, mine.
I'd hear from you;
I love you.

Not the solid echoes
of your forgetfulness that
hear daily because what I
heard than, is gone.

The author's comments:
This poem is about a break up :/

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