FEAR IS LIKE... | Teen Ink


January 9, 2014
By maddiecors SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
maddiecors SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fear is the color of darkness inside your closet in the middle of the night.
It sounds like the creaking of a door when you are home alone.
And tastes like vomit in the back of your throat.
It smells like rotting corpses.
It looks like a dark shadow on your wall.
It makes me feel unsafe.

Fear is pitch black like a crow.
It sounds like scratching nails on a chalk board.
And tastes like spoiled milk.
It smells like a damp basement .
It looks like an abandoned house.
It makes me fell chilled with goosebumps.

Fear is dark red like the color of blood.
It sounds like my heart thumping in my chest.
And tastes like rotting meat.
It smells like mildew.
It looks like an empty vacant lot.
It makes me feel unsure.

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