Girl Market | Teen Ink

Girl Market

December 19, 2013
By Anonymous

"Girls for sale! Two girls for sale!
This one's a b**** and this one's sweet,
She is gorgeous and the latter meek.
Come, take your pick!"

The two girls stand, bound in chains,
Different as the night and day.

The b**** shines as the radiant sun, blinding all who pass; her unnatural color of skin and hair make her one to fall in love with fast.

The sweet girl glows pale as the moon, over shined by the sun; simplicity in demeanor and looks makes her loved by none.

"Girls for sale! Two girls for sale!
This one is expensive and this one's cheap, Who will be the one you keep?
Come, take your pick!"

A boy stands in front of them
eyes glazed over, looking dim.

"So my son, your pick is which?"
He smirks and says,
"I'll take the b****."

Hidden by the splendor of the sun,
the other will never be the girl to win; time after time she is not picked haunted by what she could have never been.

For sale:

One aging girl.

Heart asleep.
Utterly cheap.

worth a million

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